Salsa – All Levels, for ages 13+ (can fulfill PAP class requirement for Levels 3-4)


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SALSA – All Levels, for ages 13+ (can fulfill PAP class requirement for Levels 3-4)

With Luana Dias David

Dancers will focus on basic footwork, body lagging, spinning techniques, and partner work. Additionally, class will explore salsa choreography, timing and musicality, and performance skills. Be ready to learn fun routines that you can take to the dance floor. Footwork will include basic, side step, crossed side step, right turn, hesitation left, double cross, quarter beat steps, triplets, flare, reversed flare, suzi q, and grape vine. Partnering wil include basic step, right turn, hesitation left, open connection, cross body lead, closed connection for cross body lead, left turn, creating resistance, around the world, and transitions from open to closed connection.

Mondays 7:30-8:30pm
January 6 – May 12
(No class Jan 20, Feb 17, or Apr 21)

All Levels – This class is open to all. Teachers will gauge experience and teach to the level of the group present.

Register for the class by adding to cart and checking out (be sure to update your account details). Pay for this class with Class Passes. Purchase Class Passes 10 for $170 or 20 for $300. Single drop-ins $20 each (only available for purchase in-person at our Front Desk).

Berkshire Pulse