Full Description
With Susan Quinn
This class is designed for young choreographers committed to transforming themselves and their world through the craft of dance-making while also expanding their dynamic range as performers. Artists will collaborate on a group piece for the end-of-year performance based on their discovery of what matters to them as a community. Get ready to connect, have fun, and create a dance that makes a difference! This program is free for all participants and is underwritten by the Diane Pearlman Young Choreographers Scholarship.
Tuesdays 5:45-7:30pm
January 14 – May 20
(No class Feb 18, Apr 22)
FREE for the full session
Participation in this class is by invitation only.
This class is required for Senior YCI artists.
Students must commit to attending the session for the entire year and can look forward to creating work in collaboration with their peers. Since participation and partnership is an important part of this class, young artists may not miss more than 3 classes a session. YCI participants can anticipate developing their leadership and showing initiative, which will require homework and rehearsal outside of regular class time. They will also be counted on to communicate with the director and their peers to fulfill their planning. We will discuss all expectations in a mandatory family meeting during the first class of the session.
This class culminates in two shows at the Foundry on Saturday, May 10. Dress rehearsal will be on Friday, May 9. Participation in these shows is required. Please mark your calendars in advance!
When registering for a Youth Performing Arts Program class, please be sure to review our 2024-25 Registration Guide, 2024-25 Dress Code, and 2024-25 Curriculum Flowchart.