Adult Dance Intensive, for ages 18+


Registration is open! Register now to secure your place.

*Starting in 2024, Berkshire Pulse is implementing a $20 non-refundable registration fee for our summer intensives. This charge covers administrative needs and is only charged once per student. If you register for multiple intensives, you need only pay one registration fee per student. This fee is required to register for a Summer Intensive. It is not covered by Tuition Assistance. The only payment due at the time of registration is the $20 registration fee – pay online with the following link (please purchase ONE registration fee per student), or via phone/in-person. 

Please note that all registrations for Summer Intensives at Berkshire Pulse must first be approved by Pulse staff, to ensure that the program best suits the students’ age/level.


Adult Dance Intensive for ages 18+
Monday, August 19 to Friday, August 23

9-10am: Wellness
10:15-11:15am: Technique
– Studio 1 (M, T, W, TH, F): Modern, Jazz, Modern, Jazz, Modern
– Studio 2 (M, T, W, TH, F): Ballet, Modern, Ballet, Modern, Ballet
11:30am-12:30pm: Exploring the choreographic process

This 5-day intensive is for beginning/intermediate dancers ages 18 and up who want to explore new and familiar dance practices that emphasize body awareness, mindful technique, dancing together, and joyful creative exploration. In the morning we will begin with an hour of wellness class focusing on alignment, structural integrity, mind-body connection, and injury prevention, followed by daily classes alternating between Modern, Jazz, or Ballet techniques. We will come back together for a final hour exploring the choreographic process through making dances.

$250 for the full intensive

Please give us this information about the attendee:

Relevant Dance Experience for this course. -

What interests you about this intensive? -

Teaching Artists:

Berkshire Pulse