Tuition Assistance

A dancer faces a crowd at a performance. Her arms are outstretched and she looks over her left shoulder, with a long ponytail down her back.

Tuition Assistance

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Pulse and the creative arts are for everyone. Every year, Pulse’s Tuition Assistance program assists children and adults in the Southern Berkshire region who cannot afford tuition to attend the movement, music, and theater classes of their choice. Through this vital program, Pulse provides a place where all people—regardless of their economic situation—can come to express themselves, connect with others, and engage in a healthy, active life.     

Due to the economic challenges many local residents are facing today, the need for the Tuition Assistance program continues to grow. Participants are awarded between 20% and 100% assistance, ranging from $120 to $3,000 per student. Pulse has never turned away a student for an inability to pay. In fact, about 1 out of 6 current participants (both youth and adults) receive some level of tuition assistance. 

Please read the following terms carefully:

  • Tuition Assistance may not be used for the following: performance fees, late registration fees, fees for private lessons, registration fees, payment of overdue tuition owed for prior sessions, dancewear or merchandise, workshops, or gift certificates.
  • Applications are accepted for youth and adult programming at all times on a rolling basis throughout the year. Tuition Assistance operates on a school year schedule from September-August. TA recipients will need to reapply each Fall. 

Any questions regarding this process may be directed to our Finance Director, Susan Ingersoll, at

Apply for Tuition Assistance Below

General Tuition Assistance Application

Participants who apply for regular tuition assistance are awarded between 20% and 100% assistance. Pulse has never turned away a student for an inability to pay.

A full 1040 is needed to process regular tuition assistance applications. The TA committee includes our finance director, a board member, and our accessibility coordinator. All applications including financial information are kept confidential. Note: If an applicant is unable to provide a current Form 1040, they should use this alternative TA application form found here (English) or here (Spanish).

Please note: If the secure Tuition Assistance application form is not allowing you to submit, you can also print and return a PDF version to our studios.

Application for Massachusetts EBT/WIC/Wonderfund Cardholders

Pulse offers an ongoing 100% discount for Performing Arts Program Enrollments and Community Classes to families with a valid Massachusetts EBT, WIC, or Wonderfund card. Present your EBT, WIC, or Wonderfund card in-person and fill out a short form to receive a 100% discount. You do not need to fill out the full tuition assistance application.

We are proud to participate in the Card to Culture program, a collaboration between Mass Cultural Council and the Department of Transitional AssistanceMassachusetts Health Connector, and Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, to increase accessibility to cultural programming. Berkshire Pulse also welcomes children in DCF foster care and their foster families and is proud to partner with Wonderfund.

See the full list of participating organizations offering EBT, WIC, and Wonderfund discounts.

Application for Massachusetts ConnectorCare Cardholders

Those with a valid Massachusetts ConnectorCare or MassHealth card are automatically guaranteed at least 50% Tuition Assistance and up to 100% Tuition Assistance, based on need. ConnectorCare participants will need to apply through our regular Tuition Assistance application (PDF version) and provide their ConnectorCare Card.

We are proud to participate in the Card to Culture program, a collaboration between Mass Cultural Council and the Department of Transitional AssistanceMassachusetts Health Connector, and Women, Infants & Children (WIC) Nutrition Program, to increase accessibility to cultural programming.

See the full list of participating organizations offering ConnectorCare discounts.

Application for non-MA EBT/WIC Cardholders

If your family has an EBT or WIC card from another state other than Massachusetts, please fill out our regular Tuition Assistance application and provide proof of your card – 100% Tuition Assistance is not guaranteed for applicants outside of MA, but, your card verification will be in lieu of sending the additional financial information.

Please note: If the secure Tuition Assistance application form is not allowing you to submit, you can also print and return a PDF version to our studios.

Berkshire Pulse