Community Ballet – Intermediate+, for ages 13-adult


Teaching Artists:

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Community Ballet – Intermediate+, for ages 13-adult

With Sayer Mansfield from January to February, and with Adam Weinert from March to May!

Class with Sayer: 
Drawing on classical Cecchetti and Vaganova methods, and incorporating contemporary knowledge of conditioning and healthy alignment, students will delve into functional and healthy movement patterns at the barre. Bringing their full dancing selves into the center practice, students build upon their technical skills. Class is structured to foster musicality, coordination, and stamina, while deepening each dancer’s knowledge of their individual habits, weaknesses and strengths. From a strong technical foundation and professional experience as a contemporary dancer, Sayer has an alternative approach to finding freedom and expansion within the classical ballet technique. Come and enjoy finding structural clarity, physical engagement and grace in your body.

Class with Adam:
Description TBA

Mondays 6:30-8pm
January 6 – May 12
(No class Jan 20, Feb 17, or Apr 21)

Intermediate+ – Classes marked Intermediate+ are for anyone with previous movement experience in the specific dance style of the class and will serve Intermediate to Advanced movers.

Register for the class by adding to cart and checking out (be sure to update your account details). Pay for this class with Class Passes. Purchase Class Passes 10 for $170 or 20 for $300. Single drop-ins $20 each (only available for purchase in-person at our Front Desk).

Berkshire Pulse