Our Fall 2024 Schedule is Live and Registration is Open! Classes begin September 9.

Scottish Country Dance – Open Level

Teaching Artists:

Full Description


With Ted Randolph

Thursdays 7:15-9pm

Email tedfr4@gmail.com for more information and to register. 

In a typical Open Level class, we review a point of technique or styling, and then practice the patterns or formations needed to do a particular dance. Then we dance it! And so on through the class.

More about Scottish dancing:
Scottish Country Dancing is descended from the English dancing of the 17th century, but soon after being introduced in Scotland, evolved into its own style with the adoption of distinctly Scottish figures and technique from Highland dancing, as well as from French ballet. A social dance form, Scottish Country Dancing is done in a set of (usually) 3 to 4 couples in two lines facing one’s partner, dancing with all the others in the set, and changing partners for each new dance. Scottish dancing emphasizes teamwork and sociability, as well as the correct technique for doing the footwork. The goal throughout is enjoyment!

No prior experience is necessary, there’s no need to sign up with a partner, and no special footwear is required (comfortable flat-soled shoes or sneakers are fine).

*Please note that this program is a rental and does not qualify for Berkshire Pulse’s Tuition Assistance program. Please contact the organization above to inquire about registration, payment, and potential financial aid.

Berkshire Pulse