Trans Dance Class with Seeing Rainbows!


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Trans Dance Class with Seeing Rainbows

Taught by Gillian Ebersole


This movement class for trans and nonbinary folx takes a gentle somatic approach to breath, movement, and self-expression. The class will incorporate improvisation and basic dance technique to explore an all-levels approach to moving and grooving. Beginning with a guided improvisational warm-up, the class will build energy and heat through passes across the floor and opportunities to workshop movement in the center. Each class will end with a short phrase exploration or dance-making prompt. Alternatives will be provided to accommodate all levels of movers. Participants are encouraged to wear pants and long sleeves for ease of movement, and class will be taught in socks or barefoot.

Trans Dance Class is inclusive of anyone who identifies as not-the-gender-they-were-assigned-at-birth, so trans, nonbinary, and all gender-nonconforming folx are welcomed.

The class is for ages 12-adult, and children under the age of 12 are welcome to accompany their trans/nonbinary parents.

FALL 2024:
Sundays 2:30-3:30pm
September 29, October 27, November 24, December 15 (CANCELLED)

SPRING 2025:
Saturdays 2:30-3:30pm
January 25, February 22, March 22, April 26

Questions may be directed to or

*Please note that this program is a rental and does not qualify for Berkshire Pulse’s Tuition Assistance program. Please contact the organization above to inquire about registration, payment, and potential financial aid.

Berkshire Pulse