Our Fall 2024 Schedule is Live and Registration is Open! Classes begin September 9.

Headshot of Jovanina Pagano

Jovanina Pagano

Teaching Artist

Jovanina Pagano (she/her) began her explorations in dance and movement as a competitive gymnast and subsequently as a gymnastics coach. She studied classical music performance in college and spent many years as a professional violist in New York City, during which time she continued her movement studies through the dedicated practice of Contact Improvisation, Afro-Haitian folkloric dance, Body-Mind Centering, and Iyengar Yoga. In 2002, Jovanina founded Bared Soles, a dance company dedicated to the creation of dance events and workshops for enthusiastic dancers of all ages and abilities.  She has shared her love of dance and yoga with New York City public and private schools, St. John the Divine, Heifetz International Music Institute, Jackson Hole Dancer’s Workshop, Key West Dance Company, Earthdance, Omega Teen Camp, and the NYC City-Wide Youth Opera. Jovanina is also a clinical social worker and therapist, working with adolescents and young adults in private practice. jovaninapagano.com

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